Feldenkrais for Life and Performance
“I learnt there is an easier and better way of living, a way that we can be comfortable with ourselves” – Aleksandra Orlowska, Soprano“I learnt there is an easier and better way of living, a way that we can be comfortable with ourselves” – Aleksandra Orlowska, Soprano
“I learnt there is an easier and better way of living, a way that we can be comfortable with ourselves” – Aleksandra Orlowska, Soprano“I learnt there is an easier and better way of living, a way that we can be comfortable with ourselves” – Aleksandra Orlowska, Soprano
Increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement
Since how you move is how you move through life, these improvements will often enhance your thinking, emotional regulation, and problem-solving capabilities.
Understanding the connection between mind and body
People usually come to see me because they have a movement problem either due to injury or poor use, this could be in their back, shoulders, hip joints, knees, neck…hands, feet…jaw… the list goes on!
By looking at their habitual patterns of movement and how much… or little the rest of them is involved in the movement, the problem is often resolved in a few sessions.
They keep coming because they become interested and curious about how they can improve their lives with very simple movements and understand the deep connection between mind and body.