"This intensive week of Feldenkrais completely changed my vision of singing, breathing and ....living." Diana Gouglina, Soprano
"This intensive week of Feldenkrais completely changed my vision of singing, breathing and ....living." Diana Gouglina, Soprano
When a Performing Artist can unite their intellectual understanding of music, text and narrative, with their innate musicality, emotional empathy and physicality then the outcome and power to communicate is extraordinary. How can the Feldenkrais Method assist this holistic development?
The purpose of the Feldenkrais input is to develop awareness, not create another habit. I encourage students to adapt lessons in this way for their warm-ups, performance preparation and general wellbeing.
Throughout these residencies I team teach with other coaches and observe performers’ rehearsals and performance to further integrate these discoveries into their whole approach to their work.

Young artists
I work with various organisations with a combination of group and individual lessons, to explore how each Young Artist can learn to develop their potential. Usually a series of lessons will include looking at breath, grounding, fluidity of movement and awareness of space both internally and externally.
If you’re interested in working with me in your school, college , theatre or organisation, get in touch…
Where I work
Teatr Wielki Opera Academy, Polish National Opera, Warsaw, Poland
Excellenz Labor Oper, Weikersheim, Germany
National Opera Studio, London, UK

Find out more
A short film about The Creative Singer, a research project at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama led by Sally Burgess and Rebecca Meitlis
Connecting through the breath towards expressive communication in performance; an enquiry into the training of opera singers: Rebecca Meitlis
I think your paper is quietly groundbreaking! It is an inspiring documenting of the power of Feldenkrais for the body and the imagination working together from 'the inside'. The Merleau-Ponty and the Carl Rogers amplify this so well. The Linklater is very useful in rounding the evidence out. Lisa Dart, writer