
I learnt there is an easier and better way of living, a way that we can be comfortable with ourselves.
Aleksandra Orlowska, Soprano
Feldenkrais keeps me mobile and pain free, in spite of the arthritis in my back. And I love its quiet, gentle meditative character.
Jane Foot, Walker and gardener
My first session of Feldenkrais was a revelation. I learnt to release my body, to understand my body and to respect my body; to challenge presumptions of inability and to build a hope in my physical future.
Ian Rutherford, Opera Director
I experienced my first Feldenkrais Breath Workshop today. Essentially what we were doing was exploring our lungs, finding our ribcages and our ribs. Sounds strange? By the end of the session we were accessing the entirety of our breathing potential. Came out feeling so energised. I sang all the way home, very loudly, much more powerfully than I may have ever done before.
Katie Vandyck, Photographer & website designer
I feel so harmonised, my body has righted itself... as if some tension in my hips I didn’t know was there melted away.
Anna Carlisle OBE, Choreographer
My body now feels like it is moving in the way it was engineered to move.
Martha Mullings, Dancer
Thank you for your work, this intensive week of Feldenkrais completely changed my vision of singing, breathing and...living.
Diana Gouglina, Soprano
My shoulders feel re-born!
Lisa Dart, Writer
My Feldenkrais session with Rebecca was tangibly beneficial to my performance in a concert given immediately afterwards: I walked out of the session feeling taller and relaxed and those sensations transferred on to the concert platform with visible (and audible!) success.
Thomas Gould, Violinist
I found it really useful in connecting some of my own thoughts and approaches in such a coherent and logical way... spine felt lovely afterwards...a renewed sense of congruence and integration.
Bethan Rhys Williams, Tutor RNCM
I particularly notice how helpful it is being more aware of my breathing; it stops me from racing away as I do things, trying to beat the clock, and holding my breath…noticing when I start to do that. It’s so nice to breathe more softly, more fully.
Philippa Cornforth, Painter
After quite a few years of practising the Feldenkrais Method I am still always struck by how different one feels in one’s body between the beginning and the end of a session, and by how effective this slow paced and rather minimalist kind of approach is when it comes to awareness through movement. I love how it challenges my habits and unlocks potential motion that I seemed to have forgotten about. It’s wonderfully freeing, a sort of escapism within or into the self.
Bérengère Maudit, Singer
As a university lecturer I need to project my voice, make an impact, and maintain my stamina. 'Find Your Voice' workshops have helped me immensely.
Virginia Rammou, Lecturer in Architecture
I loved the way you developed your 'less is more' theme through the day, bringing the awareness of the body to the voice, and grounding the voice in the body.
Martha Leyton, Communications Expert Creativityworks
Your inspiring teaching is still resonating.
Victoria Eldon Yoga Teacher
Yesterday's session helped enormously. I felt much calmer and more able to deal with everything and in ‘Falstaff’ I felt more able to relax into the playing. Today my shoulders feel much better than they usually do the day after a show!
Alison Bury,Violinist
There is a 'whole new world' feeling to Feldenkrais for me... but a very rich one. Last night, I came across the T.S. Eliot quote: "all knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance." I am a person who never ceases to be inspired and amazed by the discoveries I make in this body of mine. So to rediscover both the method and material for discovery is really exciting...
Sari Slee Lecturer in Physical and dance theatre Grotowski Institute
Gloriously subtle yet powerful.
Kym Murden, Herbalist and story-teller